Sunday, 16 May 2010

Nieuwpoort, Belgium

Monday 6th June 2005

Nieuwpoort is a small fishing harbour on the North Sea coast, and is well-known for its shrimps. The city is made up of two distinct parts, the old city centre and its market place and fishing harbour, and the coastal town which is being developed for tourism by the beach. Nieuwpoort has one of the largest harbour and marina facilities for sailing yachts and pleasure craft in Europe. The monument we have photographed is in memory of Belgian King Albert I, it is in memory of all victims of the First World War.

We decided to spend the day in the marina and town to give us a chance to have a look around, do some laundry, shopping and buy some additional french canal books that we had not been able to get before we left. The marina office had a cycle hire service but the first 2 hours are free of charge. Neither of us had been on a bike for several years but after a few wobbles we were off! The cycle lanes were ideal for amateurs like us and it was only a short ride into the town itself. It is mainly restaurants and chandlery shops that line the harbour side, but if you go just one street back there are some lovely shops and we were able to stock up with some delicious meats, pate's and bread - to my husbands relief, we were limited to what we could buy to what we could carry on a bike.

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